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一.XK3201YB称重控制仪表 主 要 特 点 Main characteristic .由于采用了公认的前置放大器(美国产)作为称重传感器的输入放大器,使本控制器具有超群的零点稳定性能和增益稳定性能。 .Adopted on general acknowledged outstanding pre-amplifier (MADE IN U.S.A.) as the introduction amplifier weighing the sensor , make this controller have superior zero point stability performance and gain the performance of stabilizing. .具有300次/秒的高速A/D转换处理,对于瞬间的重量变化也能迅速反应,从而大大提高了计量控制器的性能。 .With a high speed deal with A/D to change at 300 times per second , it is can react rapidly to change as to weight in the twinkling of an eye, thus improved the performance of measuring the controller greatly . .在全部输入范围内,都可1/10,000的显示精度。 .The control unit can guarantee 1/10,000 of the precision of controller In all inputting-ranges . .根据不同的使用目的,可以任选调节滤波器的强弱,来控制由于机械系统的振动而产生的影响,从而提高并高速、准确地计量。 . According to different purposes of using , can regulate the power of the wave filter optionally , to control the influence produced because of vibration of the mechanical system , thus improve and guarantee to measure high-speedly , accurately. .采用了数字间隔方式,简化了初始校准的操作过程。 .Have adopt the way of digital Span , has simplified the operation course of initial calibration . .采用目的性优先键的输入方式,即使是初次使用本公司的控制器也可以很容易地进行设定值等的输入操作。 . The introduction way to adopt preferential key of purpose, even if use the controller of our company to carry on the introduction operation of establishing value ,etc. very easily either for the first time. .由于采用了VFD荧光显示,使各种指示值、设定值及状态显示值都能清楚易见。 . Adopt VFD display make various kinds of person who point out , person who establish and status display value can clear easy to meet. .各种设定值、修正值、累计值等数据都存储在FRAM(非易失性存储器)中,即使在突然停电的情况下也不会丢失数据。 . Such data as various kinds of settlement value , revising value , adding up to value ,etc. are stored in FRAM (non-volatile memory ), even will not lose the data either in case of suddenly losing electrical power . .校准值等计量仪器的重要数据都存储在EEPROM中。 . The most important data of such metrical instruments as calibration value ,etc. a